blog titles never really what it seems.
i've finished my Gypsy Hand Job (art pieces, named after a silly accident in Bolivia, resulting in the temporary pause of my normal activities as a photographer, that were made by hand rather than camera).
it's a beaut.
i really love it. almost enough to not sell it.
but my wall space is limited.
this one took me almost a month to do.
blue spray paint on unprimed MDF. gradient, subtle cross, and paint drip. // oh look! it's me.
tadaa! dry. and ready to get worked on
initial lines, then Ace card detail, in marker. // starting on hair detailing from the bottom left corner
Ace card: middle spade is detailed with hearts, cubs, and diamonds within it.
second day.. getting a lot done // and close up shot - paint gloss finish makes it hard to see my marker lines, and photograph
right side done in another (3rd) day // close up shot
finally get a mask, after throat blockage and headaches from the markers. i drew whiskers on 'em. duh.
Sharpies marker for the spray painted parts // hair work creeping up... 4th day
details with ink, hair. 5th day.
detailed eyes and face. 6th day
after a long week and a half of not knowing how to finish off the piece... i decided to paint the ravens with acrylic for a subtle, yet interest-grabbing look. and i love it.
unprimed MDF, pencil, spray paint, marker, ink, acrylic
60 x 60 cm
for sale sold $120
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