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i freaked out!
i lost my white face paint, and i freaked out!!

but i then realised i could just dump a whole lot of shit on my face and hope that'd scare the little trick--or-treaters.



but then look how cute my little frankenstein monsters are!

and ona('s).

oh, and here's a little read about T.Burton's frankweenie


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this year, god decided to play trick.
so that i'm a certified and true zombie looking cripple.

i hope this means more lollies.

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i'm going to be selling my art soon.


tell yo facebook friends, and your parental units.
also tell them i was so brave, i biked Death Road in Bolivia.
don't tell them i fell off my bike like a 2 year old.

but most importantly, have them know it's for a crippled artist with no income that would love their support and to know that she's proud to have her work in their space (office, toilet, or bedroom)

i'll let you kids know first. blog followers are priority. (:

ps: i can do commissions (:

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wanna look at other pretty drawings?

Maya Mihindou

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influenced by the oddities of


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enjoying the sun outside, ipod playing, caffeine by my side ... practicing my roses

remember how i broke my collarbone?
decided that just because i can't take photos for a little while, doesn't mean i shouldn't divert my creativity to other areas.

once upon a time, drawing was my forte.
so guess who's back?!

this is also a start to art pieces that i will have up for sale, to help me earn money so i can eat.

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oh yeah. i've decided to change the blog a little.
so i went with serif font.


i hope you can sleep tonight.

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check it.
NSFW! Australian government demands all vulva’s be digitally altered. “neat and tidy” only.

/Warning: The following video is ridiculously NSFW and contains graphic depictions of labia surgery./
This is a documentary from Hungry Beast called ‘healed to a single crease’- which is what the Australian Classification board demands be done to all depictions of female nether regions, stating any genital detail (clitoris, inner labia, pubic hair detail or volume) is too offensive and therefor illegal. The only acceptable vagina as far as the Classification Board is concerned is one that is ‘neat and tidy’ in their eyes.
The video shows interview with a doctor who performs labiaplasty, a photo editor who works for a porn company forced to digitally butcher normal vulvas and a member of the classification board who dodges questions like hell. I HIGHLY recommend watching it.
Considering the HUGE rise in labiaplasty in Australia (100% rise per year with now over 1000 women per year) with the number main cause being women thinking their bits look ‘odd’, when of course in fact they are perfectly normal; is it right to ask: Is Australia’s censorship of real bodies alienating a generation of women from their own natural, beautiful bodies?
"As someone who works in the adult industry I’ve known this for a while. Until I found out about the laws I honestly thought I had a ‘disgusting hanging garden cunt’ and spent my whole puberty ashamed, embarrassed and depressed. I wanted to have surgery because I thought if I didn’t I would be able to work in my dream job. I have more than one close acquaintance who has had labiaplasty surgery because they felt they where ‘fugly down there’, because they didn’t look like every naked woman they’d ever seen in this country (healed to a single crease) when in fact they where perfectly normal and sexy." - anon
It’s disturbing and wrong to enforce standards that say what womens genitals should and shouldn’t look like- especially when you’re effectively making the most common types of womens bits illegal to portray. Just like Australia banning small breasts citing it encourages pedophiles, regardless of the performers age. 


all vaginas are different, unique, and beautiful.

what makes me outraged is the governmental body... the Australian Classification Board, which handles media and the image of beautiful, attractive women.
that shit's fucked... here we are, complaining that the media industry is forcing women to starve and think they have to be skinny to be beautiful... but the government is doing THIS?!

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 figures. ft pauly v & yours truly

inspired by The Sartorialist 

i can't wait to freely do my own hair, & wear whatever i like

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i won't call it minestrone.. cos it'd be shit
i call it veggies & pasta soup

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i can has?

via Scribbly Stylus

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Little Caesers tonight! hoorah!

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this is all i've been doing. my life is on standby atm.
i eat, sit in bed, tumblr, blog, listen to Frank Ocean

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oh yeah... aussie news reporters are... stupid.

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maisey, long, jonny

i love the good times here

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ToTo's with my beautiful babe, kabs.
& my new actionsampler! <3

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